Back pain is often caused and accompanied by muscular tension, e.g. caused by excessive strain, one-sided body postures, unfamiliar movements, drafts or psychological tension. The result is an increase in muscle tension, the muscles harden and start to hurting e.g. with deep-seated, dull back pain in the lumbar spine or in the head, shoulder, neck and arm area. One-sided movements or a lack of exercise often lead to shortened tendons and muscles. All of this can in some cases even lead to chronic pain. The traditional Thai massage carried out by Ms. Sonyoha-Thomsen and her team of employees is not a medical massage, but a full-body wellness concept, which, through its special massage techniques, helps to relax the body, lengthen the tendons and ligaments and, with regular use, can serve preventive health care. The traditional Thai massage influences the entire body through its unique treatment techniques, relieves tension and improves mobility. The body, muscles and tendons are stretched, rotated, tumbled and loosened with different stretching movements, pressure techniques and different types of grips. The masseur works with pressure from thumbs and ball of the hand, with his arms, elbows, legs, feet and knees. The blood flow to the skin, connective tissue and muscles is thereby promoted. Internal organs are positively influenced by targeted pressure on acupressure points and energy lines. Hot herbal stamps, which can be pressed onto certain points of the skin during the treatment, relieve tension and reduce muscle pain and inflammation. A state of deep relaxation and regeneration is created, body and soul are brought into harmony.
Please let us know before the massage whether there are any tensions or physical limitations that we need to take into account during the massage. If you have tension in the muscles, there are often small nodules or indurations and when these are massaged, it can hurt a little here and there, but this is basically a feel-good pain. This is normal, the body is just showing that there is a problem. A very soft and gentle massage can be pleasant, but does usually not help with tension problems. If there is no tensions or hardening in the muscles, a professional massage does not hurt either. You decide, before or during the massage, how vigorously it should be performed. It is also possible that you may feel sore muscles for 1-2 days after the massage. If there are tension problems, in the beginning you are advised to regularly return, e.g. every 1-2 weeks, when you have reached the desired state of relaxation, you can choose longer time intervals. If a longer time interval than 4 weeks is chosen, the tension may build up again. Since the massage stimulates the body’s lymphatic system, the body wants to detoxify and you have to drink enough water, otherwise you may get a headache.
A 90 minutes traditional Thai massage can also be combined with the herbal stamp and / or foot massage. Herbal stamps are various herbs that are wrapped in a linen cloth, heated in a steamer and then rubbed into the skin using a special technique along the meridian lines and on the acupressure points. The fine ingredients of the herbs and the warmth penetrate deep into the muscles and lead to significant additional relaxation. You can also enjoy the traditional Thai massage with your partner at the same time.